Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat a medical problem or to prevent further deterioration of that problem. Stem cells in bone e marrow was the first type of stem cell therapy utilized. It was used to help the patient with cancers of the blood such as leukemia. Stem cell therapy has been controversial and is apolitically charged topic. The attempt of scientists to isolate and culture embryonic stem cells, to create new stem cells and their use of techniques to create induced pluripotent stem cells has been condemned by those that are worried about people using embryos. This controversy is due to the politics of abortion clinic and their possible sale of embryos as well as concerns about human cloning
Bone marrow transplant is the most widely used stem cell therapy, but some therapies derived from umbilical cord blood as well as from adipose-derived sources are also in use. Research is underway to develop various sources for stem cells. There are many clinical case reports in the treatment of joint problems reported. The main focus in the medical literature of joint issues has been on mesenchymal stem cells. Stem cells are believed to assist in repair via five ways: 1) providing an anti-inflammatory effect, 2) attaching to damaged tissues and then attracting other cells that are necessary for tissue repair, 3) promoting tissue remodeling instead scar formation, 4) inhibiting cell death, and 5) differentiating into different kinds of tissue.
To further enrich blood supply to the damaged areas, and consequently promote tissue regeneration, platelet-rich plasma could be used in conjunction with stem cell transplantation.[74][75] The efficacy of some stem cell populations may also be affected by the method of delivery; for instance, to regenerate bone, stem cells are often introduced in a scaffold where they produce the minerals necessary for generation of functional bone.
We at the Regenerative Medicine Institute of Nevada are proud to say that we offer these new innovative options and have had good success in many individuals that are seeking mesenchymal stem cell therapy. Running the full gamut from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) alone to adding cytokines and growth factors to the PRP, to adipose-derived mesenchymal cells, or mesenchymal cells from a donor, the options available at the Regenerative Medicine Institute of Nevada to potentially treat a diverse patient population so treatments are customized for each patient.